Sunday, November 19, 2006


This is a new phenomenon spotted by psychologists. The young, upwardly mobile, busybees prefer to spend time at their homes "cocooned" in their own stratosphere, oblivious to the going-ons around them. They do this on holidays and when they get those spare days between the more hectic working ones.

Not that they are introverts or depressed, they would simply like to be in the confines of their own homes which they now own, have painstakingly designed, with keen detail to the nooks and corners. They have all it takes to recreate a RnR (relax and recuperate) environment - a home theatre, all possible communication devices - from the Blackberry to the Viyo, food and drink just a phone call away, what with all the home delivery services.

The new term coined is "inperience" . While "experience" is when one is sensitive to the external factors and surrounding environment, inperience is when one feels and is sensitive to ones internal world....the cocoon!

I would think this cocooning effect works well once in a while, specially when one just desires some space and time; but is it not tough to live in total isolation and seclusion. Does it not make it difficult to then get back to the real world ? I wonder.....

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